Saturday, May 25, 2013

5:30 AM

Ever had one of those nights where you find a song and listen to it till 5 AM, in spite of (because of?) the fact you have work to do next day? There's an almost masochistic enjoyment to it, like a fuck you to yourself.

Whatever, I don't have work to do tomorrow. I like to pretend I have work to do. I like to drink coffee and look at my watch frequently. It helps me play at being grown up. Being a confident grown up is important, and you need these little crutches when you don't drive a car, or know where Cambridge ON is, or what you're supposed to do when you read a "Caution: High voltage wires overhead" sign.

Fuck, isn't it great how Michelle Featherstone sings "guisar" instead of "guitar" in Coffee and Cigarettes? It's like there was Gypsy in her that was fighting to get out and that's how it did. There's no noticeable accent in the entire song, and then boom, there's that beautiful lisp. It feels like it's a secret between me and her, like she put it there because she knew I (and only I) would notice it.

I need  to stop listening to that song and go to sleep. The anticipation of how tired I will be tomorrow is delicious. Being tired in front of people makes you look cool, because it implies your exhaustion originated in some great exertion on your part.

Here's an abrupt ending. love, whatever.